24 листопада – День пам’яті жертв голодоморів

[:en]На Заході про факт Голодомору стало широко відомо після того, як журналіст Ґарес Річард Воон Джоунз опублікував свій відомий репортаж про існування Великого Голоду в Україні у 1932–1933 роках. Цей репортаж був надрукований у багатьох газетах включно з «Manchester Guardian» та «New York Evening Post».

З того часу за кордоном було оприлюднено чимало повідомлень, репортажів, досліджень.

Іноземні видання про Голодомор в Україні 1932-1933 років зібрані у поданий далі список.




Бозю! Що там у Тебе в руці?!
Дай мені, Бозю, хоч соломинку…
Щоб не втонути в Голодній Ріці.
Бачиш, мій Бозю, я ще – дитинка.
Таж підрости б у квітневий розмай.
Світу не бачив ще білого, Бозю.
Я – пташенятко, прибите в дорозі.
Хоч би одненьку пір’їночку дай.
Тато і Мама – холодні мерці.
Бозю, зроби, щоби їсти не хтілось!
Холодно, Бозю.
Сніг дуже білий.
Бозю, що там у Тебе в руці?…

(Данило Відсіч)

Голодомор в Україні


Для списку літератури використані матеріали сайту   http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голодомор_в_Україні_1932—1933


Ammende, Ewald, “Human life in Russia, (Cleveland: J.T. Zubal, 1984), Reprint, Originally published: London, England: Allen & Unwin, 1936.

“The Black Deeds of the Kremlin: a white book”, S.O. Pidhainy, Editor-In-Chief, (Toronto: Ukrainian Association of Victims of Russian-Communist Terror, 1953), (Vol. 1 Book of testimonies. Vol. 2. The Great Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933).

Conquest, Robert, “The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror — Famine”, (Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press in Association with the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1986).

Davies, R.W. The Socialist offensive: the collectivization of Soviet agrilculture, 1929-1930. – London: Macmillan, 1980.

“Der ukrainische Hunger-Holocaust: Stalins verschwiegener Volkermond 1932/33 an 7 Millionen ukrainischen Bauern im Spiegel geheimgehaltener Akten des deutschen Auswartigen Amtes”, (Sonnebuhl: H. Wild, 1988), By Dmytro Zlepko. [eine Dokumentation, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Dmytro Zlepko].

Dolot, Miron, “Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust, a survivor’s account of the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine”, (New York City: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 1985).

Dolot, Miron, “Who killed them and why?: in remembrance of those killed in the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine”, (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University, Ukrainian Studies Fund, 1984).

Dushnyk, Walter, “50 years ago: the famine holocaust in Ukraine”, (New York: Toronto: World Congress of Free Ukrainians, 1983).

“Famine in the Soviet Ukraine 1932-1933: a memorial exhibition”, Widener Library, Harvard University, prepared by Oksana Procyk, Leonid Heretz, James E. Mace. — (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard College Library, distributed by Harvard University Press, 1986).

“Famine in Ukraine 1932-33”, edited by Roman Serbyn and Bohdan Krawchenko, — (Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1986). [Selected papers from a conference held at the Universite du Quebec a Montreal in 1983).

“The Great Famine in Ukraine: the unknown holocaust: in solemn observance of the Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933”, (Compiled and edited by the editors of the Ukrainian Weekly [Roma Hadzewycz, George B. Zarycky, Martha Kolomayets] Jersey City, N.J.: Ukrainian National Association, 1983).

Gregorovich, Andrew, “Black Famine in Ukraine 1932-33: A Struggle for Existence”, FORUM: A Ukrainian Review, No. 24, (Scranton: Ukrainian Workingmen’s Association, 1974).

Halii, Mykola, “Organized famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933”, (Chicago: Ukrainian Research and Information Institute, 1963).

“Holod na Ukraini, 1932-1933: vybrani statti”, uporiadkuvala Nadiia Karatnyts’ka, (New York: Suchasnist’, 1985).

Hlushanytsia, Pavlo, “Tretia svitova viina Pavla Hlushanytsi == The third world war of Pavlo Hlushanytsia, translated by Vera Moroz, (Toronto: Anabasis Magazine, 1986). [Bilingual edition in Ukrainian and English].

“Holod 1932-33 rokiv na Ukraini: ochyma istorykiv, movoij dokumentiv”, (Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo politychnoyi literatury Ukrainy, 1990).

Hryshko, Vasyl, “Ukrains’kyi ‘Holokast’, 1933”, (New York: DOBRUS; Toronto: SUZHERO, 1978).

Hryshko, Vasyl, “The Ukrainian Holocaust of 1933”, Edited and translated by Marco Carynnyk, (Toronto: Bahrianyi Foundation, SUZHERO, DOBRUS, 1983).

“International Commission of Inquiry into the 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine, Proceedings [transcript]”, May 23-27, 1988, Brussels, Belgium, [Jakob W.F. Sundberg, President; Legal Counsel, World Congress of Free Ukrainians: John Sopinka, Alexandra Chyczij; Legal Council for the Commission, Ian A. Hunter, 1988.

“International Commission of Inquiry into the 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine. Proceedings [transcript]”, October 21 – November 5, 1988, New York City, [Jakob W.F. Sundberg, President; Counsel for the Petitioner, William Liber; General Counsel, Ian A. Hunter], 1988.

“International Commission of Inquiry into the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine. Final report”, [Jacob W.F. Sundberg, President], 1990. [Proceedings of the International Commission of Inquiry and its Final report are in typescript, contained in 6 vols. Copies available from the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, Toronto].

Kalynyk, Oleksa, “Communism, the enemy of mankind: documents about the methods and practise of Russian Bolshevik occupation in Ukraine”, (London, England: The Ukrainian Youth Association in Great Britain, 1955).

“Kolektyvizatsia i Holod na Ukraini 1929-1933: Zbirnyk documentiv i materialiv”, Z.M. Mychailycenko, E.P. Shatalina, S.V. Kulcycky, eds., (Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1992).

Kostiuk, Hryhory, “Stalinist rule in Ukraine: a study of the decade of mass terror, 1929-1939”, (Munich: Institut zur Erforschung der UdSSSR, 1960).

Kovalenko, L.B. & Maniak, B.A., eds., “Holod 33: Narodna knyha-memorial”, (Kyiv: Radians’kyj pys’mennyk, 1991).

Krawchenko, Bohdan, “Social change and national consciouness in twentieth-century Ukraine”, (Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with St. Anthony’s College, Oxford, 1985).

“Lettere da Kharkov: la carestia in Ucraina e nel Caucaso del Nord nei rapporti dei diplomatici italiani, 1932-33”, a cura di Andrea Graziosi, (Torino: Einaudi, 1991).

Mace, James E., “Communism and the dilemma of national liberation: national communism in Soviet Ukraine, 1918-1933”, (Cambridge, Mass.: Distributed by Harvard University Press for the Ukrainian Research Institute and the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., 1983).

Makohon, P. Svidok: Spohady pro 33-ho. – Toronto: Anabasis Magazine, 1983.

Martchenko, Borys, “La famine-genocide en Ukraine: 1932-1933”, (Paris: Publications de l’Est europeen, 1983).

Marunchak, Mykhailo H., “Natsiia v botot’bi za svoie isnuvannia: 1932 i 1933 v Ukraini i diiaspori, (Winnipeg: Nakl. Ukrains’koi vil’noi akademii nauk v Kanadi, 1985).

“Memorial”, compiled by Lubomyr Y. Luciuk and Alexandra Chyczij; translated into English by Marco Carynnyk, (Toronto: Published by Kashtan Press for Canadian Friends of “Memorial”, 1989). [Bilingual edition in Ukrainian and English. this is a selection of resolutions, aims and objectives, and other documents, pertaining to the activities of the “memorial” Society in Ukraine].

Mishchenko, Oleksandr, “Bezkrovna viina: knyha svidchen'”, (Kyiv: Molod’, 1991).

Oleksiw, Stephen, “The agony of a nation: the great man-made famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933”, (London: The National Committee to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Artificial Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933, 1983).

“Pavel P. Postyshev, envoy of Moscow in Ukraine 1933-1934”, [selected newspaper articles, documents, and sections in books], (Toronto: World Congress of Free Ukrainians, Secretariat, [1988]), (The 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine research documentation.

Pidnayny, Alexandra, “A bibliography of the great famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933”, (Toronto: New Review Books, 1975).

Pravoberezhnyi, Fedir, “8,000,000: 1933-i rik na Ukraini”, (Winnipeg: Kultura i osvita, 1951).

Senyshyn, Halyna, “Bibliohrafia holody v Ukraini 1932-1933”, (Ottawa: Montreal: UMMAN, 1983).

Solovei, Dmytro, “The Golgotha of Ukraine: eye-witness accounts of the famine in Ukraine”, compiled by Dmytro Soloviy, (New York: Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, 1953).

Stradnyk, Petro, “Pravda pro soviets’ku vladu v Ukraini”, (New York: N. Chyhyryns’kyi, 1972).

Taylor, S.J., “Stalin’s apologist: Walter Duranty, the New York Time’s man in Moscow”, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990).

“The Foreign Office and the famine: British documents on Ukraine and the great famine of 1932-1933”, edited by Marco Carynnyk, Lubomyr Y. Luciuk and Bohdan Kor.

“The man-made famine in Ukraine”, — (Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1984). [Seminar. Participants: Robert Conquest, Dana Dalrymple, James Mace, Michael Nowak].

United States, “Commission on the Ukraine Famine. Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, 1932-1933: report to Congress / Commission on the Ukraine Famine”, [Daniel E. Mica, Chairman; James E. Mace, Staff Director]. — (Washington D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs, U.S. G.P.O., 1988), (Dhipping list: 88-521-P).

United States, “Commision on the Ukrainian Famine. Oral history project of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine”, James E. Mace and Leonid Heretz, eds. (Washington, D.C.: Supt. of Docs, U.S. G.P.O., 1990).

“Velykyi holod v Ukraini, 1932-33: zbirnyk svidchen’, spohadiv, dopovidiv ta stattiv, vyholoshenykh ta drukovanykh v 1983 rotsi na vidznachennia 50-littia holodu v Ukraini — The Great Famine in Ukraine 1932-1933: a collection of memoirs, speeches amd essays prepared in 1983 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Famine in Ukraine during 1932-33”, [Publication Committee members: V. Rudenko, T. Khokhitva, P. Makohon, F. Podopryhora], (Toronto: Ukrains’ke Pravoslavne Bratstvo Sv. Volodymyra, 1988), [Billingual edition in Ukrainian and English].

Verbyts’kyi, M., “Naibil’shyi zlochyn Kremlia: zaplianovanyi shtuchnyi holod v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv”, (London, England: DOBRUS, 1952).

Voropai, Oleksa, “V deviatim kruzi”, (London, England: Sum, 1953).

Voropai, Oleksa, ” The Ninth Circle: In Commemoration of the Victims of the Famine of 1933″, Olexa Woropay; edited with an introduction by James E. Mace, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, Ukrainian Studies Fund, 1983).


 [:uk]На Заході про факт Голодомору стало широко відомо після того, як журналіст Ґарес Річард Воон Джоунз опублікував свій відомий репортаж про існування Великого Голоду в Україні у 1932–1933 роках. Цей репортаж був надрукований у багатьох газетах включно з «Manchester Guardian» та «New York Evening Post».

З того часу за кордоном було оприлюднено чимало повідомлень, репортажів, досліджень.

Іноземні видання про Голодомор в Україні 1932-1933 років зібрані у поданий далі список.




Бозю! Що там у Тебе в руці?!
Дай мені, Бозю, хоч соломинку…
Щоб не втонути в Голодній Ріці.
Бачиш, мій Бозю, я ще – дитинка.
Таж підрости б у квітневий розмай.
Світу не бачив ще білого, Бозю.
Я – пташенятко, прибите в дорозі.
Хоч би одненьку пір’їночку дай.
Тато і Мама – холодні мерці.
Бозю, зроби, щоби їсти не хтілось!
Холодно, Бозю.
Сніг дуже білий.
Бозю, що там у Тебе в руці?…

(Антоніна Листопад)

Голодомор в Україні


Для списку літератури використані матеріали сайту   http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голодомор_в_Україні_1932—1933


Ammende, Ewald, “Human life in Russia, (Cleveland: J.T. Zubal, 1984), Reprint, Originally published: London, England: Allen & Unwin, 1936.

“The Black Deeds of the Kremlin: a white book”, S.O. Pidhainy, Editor-In-Chief, (Toronto: Ukrainian Association of Victims of Russian-Communist Terror, 1953), (Vol. 1 Book of testimonies. Vol. 2. The Great Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933).

Conquest, Robert, “The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror — Famine”, (Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press in Association with the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1986).

Davies, R.W. The Socialist offensive: the collectivization of Soviet agrilculture, 1929-1930. – London: Macmillan, 1980.

“Der ukrainische Hunger-Holocaust: Stalins verschwiegener Volkermond 1932/33 an 7 Millionen ukrainischen Bauern im Spiegel geheimgehaltener Akten des deutschen Auswartigen Amtes”, (Sonnebuhl: H. Wild, 1988), By Dmytro Zlepko. [eine Dokumentation, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Dmytro Zlepko].

Dolot, Miron, “Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust, a survivor’s account of the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine”, (New York City: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 1985).

Dolot, Miron, “Who killed them and why?: in remembrance of those killed in the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine”, (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University, Ukrainian Studies Fund, 1984).

Dushnyk, Walter, “50 years ago: the famine holocaust in Ukraine”, (New York: Toronto: World Congress of Free Ukrainians, 1983).

“Famine in the Soviet Ukraine 1932-1933: a memorial exhibition”, Widener Library, Harvard University, prepared by Oksana Procyk, Leonid Heretz, James E. Mace. — (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard College Library, distributed by Harvard University Press, 1986).

“Famine in Ukraine 1932-33”, edited by Roman Serbyn and Bohdan Krawchenko, — (Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1986). [Selected papers from a conference held at the Universite du Quebec a Montreal in 1983).

“The Great Famine in Ukraine: the unknown holocaust: in solemn observance of the Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933”, (Compiled and edited by the editors of the Ukrainian Weekly [Roma Hadzewycz, George B. Zarycky, Martha Kolomayets] Jersey City, N.J.: Ukrainian National Association, 1983).

Gregorovich, Andrew, “Black Famine in Ukraine 1932-33: A Struggle for Existence”, FORUM: A Ukrainian Review, No. 24, (Scranton: Ukrainian Workingmen’s Association, 1974).

Halii, Mykola, “Organized famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933”, (Chicago: Ukrainian Research and Information Institute, 1963).

“Holod na Ukraini, 1932-1933: vybrani statti”, uporiadkuvala Nadiia Karatnyts’ka, (New York: Suchasnist’, 1985).

Hlushanytsia, Pavlo, “Tretia svitova viina Pavla Hlushanytsi == The third world war of Pavlo Hlushanytsia, translated by Vera Moroz, (Toronto: Anabasis Magazine, 1986). [Bilingual edition in Ukrainian and English].

“Holod 1932-33 rokiv na Ukraini: ochyma istorykiv, movoij dokumentiv”, (Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo politychnoyi literatury Ukrainy, 1990).

Hryshko, Vasyl, “Ukrains’kyi ‘Holokast’, 1933”, (New York: DOBRUS; Toronto: SUZHERO, 1978).

Hryshko, Vasyl, “The Ukrainian Holocaust of 1933”, Edited and translated by Marco Carynnyk, (Toronto: Bahrianyi Foundation, SUZHERO, DOBRUS, 1983).

“International Commission of Inquiry into the 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine, Proceedings [transcript]”, May 23-27, 1988, Brussels, Belgium, [Jakob W.F. Sundberg, President; Legal Counsel, World Congress of Free Ukrainians: John Sopinka, Alexandra Chyczij; Legal Council for the Commission, Ian A. Hunter, 1988.

“International Commission of Inquiry into the 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine. Proceedings [transcript]”, October 21 – November 5, 1988, New York City, [Jakob W.F. Sundberg, President; Counsel for the Petitioner, William Liber; General Counsel, Ian A. Hunter], 1988.

“International Commission of Inquiry into the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine. Final report”, [Jacob W.F. Sundberg, President], 1990. [Proceedings of the International Commission of Inquiry and its Final report are in typescript, contained in 6 vols. Copies available from the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, Toronto].

Kalynyk, Oleksa, “Communism, the enemy of mankind: documents about the methods and practise of Russian Bolshevik occupation in Ukraine”, (London, England: The Ukrainian Youth Association in Great Britain, 1955).

“Kolektyvizatsia i Holod na Ukraini 1929-1933: Zbirnyk documentiv i materialiv”, Z.M. Mychailycenko, E.P. Shatalina, S.V. Kulcycky, eds., (Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1992).

Kostiuk, Hryhory, “Stalinist rule in Ukraine: a study of the decade of mass terror, 1929-1939”, (Munich: Institut zur Erforschung der UdSSSR, 1960).

Kovalenko, L.B. & Maniak, B.A., eds., “Holod 33: Narodna knyha-memorial”, (Kyiv: Radians’kyj pys’mennyk, 1991).

Krawchenko, Bohdan, “Social change and national consciouness in twentieth-century Ukraine”, (Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with St. Anthony’s College, Oxford, 1985).

“Lettere da Kharkov: la carestia in Ucraina e nel Caucaso del Nord nei rapporti dei diplomatici italiani, 1932-33”, a cura di Andrea Graziosi, (Torino: Einaudi, 1991).

Mace, James E., “Communism and the dilemma of national liberation: national communism in Soviet Ukraine, 1918-1933”, (Cambridge, Mass.: Distributed by Harvard University Press for the Ukrainian Research Institute and the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., 1983).

Makohon, P. Svidok: Spohady pro 33-ho. – Toronto: Anabasis Magazine, 1983.

Martchenko, Borys, “La famine-genocide en Ukraine: 1932-1933”, (Paris: Publications de l’Est europeen, 1983).

Marunchak, Mykhailo H., “Natsiia v botot’bi za svoie isnuvannia: 1932 i 1933 v Ukraini i diiaspori, (Winnipeg: Nakl. Ukrains’koi vil’noi akademii nauk v Kanadi, 1985).

“Memorial”, compiled by Lubomyr Y. Luciuk and Alexandra Chyczij; translated into English by Marco Carynnyk, (Toronto: Published by Kashtan Press for Canadian Friends of “Memorial”, 1989). [Bilingual edition in Ukrainian and English. this is a selection of resolutions, aims and objectives, and other documents, pertaining to the activities of the “memorial” Society in Ukraine].

Mishchenko, Oleksandr, “Bezkrovna viina: knyha svidchen'”, (Kyiv: Molod’, 1991).

Oleksiw, Stephen, “The agony of a nation: the great man-made famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933”, (London: The National Committee to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Artificial Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933, 1983).

“Pavel P. Postyshev, envoy of Moscow in Ukraine 1933-1934”, [selected newspaper articles, documents, and sections in books], (Toronto: World Congress of Free Ukrainians, Secretariat, [1988]), (The 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine research documentation.

Pidnayny, Alexandra, “A bibliography of the great famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933”, (Toronto: New Review Books, 1975).

Pravoberezhnyi, Fedir, “8,000,000: 1933-i rik na Ukraini”, (Winnipeg: Kultura i osvita, 1951).

Senyshyn, Halyna, “Bibliohrafia holody v Ukraini 1932-1933”, (Ottawa: Montreal: UMMAN, 1983).

Solovei, Dmytro, “The Golgotha of Ukraine: eye-witness accounts of the famine in Ukraine”, compiled by Dmytro Soloviy, (New York: Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, 1953).

Stradnyk, Petro, “Pravda pro soviets’ku vladu v Ukraini”, (New York: N. Chyhyryns’kyi, 1972).

Taylor, S.J., “Stalin’s apologist: Walter Duranty, the New York Time’s man in Moscow”, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990).

“The Foreign Office and the famine: British documents on Ukraine and the great famine of 1932-1933”, edited by Marco Carynnyk, Lubomyr Y. Luciuk and Bohdan Kor.

“The man-made famine in Ukraine”, — (Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1984). [Seminar. Participants: Robert Conquest, Dana Dalrymple, James Mace, Michael Nowak].

United States, “Commission on the Ukraine Famine. Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, 1932-1933: report to Congress / Commission on the Ukraine Famine”, [Daniel E. Mica, Chairman; James E. Mace, Staff Director]. — (Washington D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs, U.S. G.P.O., 1988), (Dhipping list: 88-521-P).

United States, “Commision on the Ukrainian Famine. Oral history project of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine”, James E. Mace and Leonid Heretz, eds. (Washington, D.C.: Supt. of Docs, U.S. G.P.O., 1990).

“Velykyi holod v Ukraini, 1932-33: zbirnyk svidchen’, spohadiv, dopovidiv ta stattiv, vyholoshenykh ta drukovanykh v 1983 rotsi na vidznachennia 50-littia holodu v Ukraini — The Great Famine in Ukraine 1932-1933: a collection of memoirs, speeches amd essays prepared in 1983 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Famine in Ukraine during 1932-33”, [Publication Committee members: V. Rudenko, T. Khokhitva, P. Makohon, F. Podopryhora], (Toronto: Ukrains’ke Pravoslavne Bratstvo Sv. Volodymyra, 1988), [Billingual edition in Ukrainian and English].

Verbyts’kyi, M., “Naibil’shyi zlochyn Kremlia: zaplianovanyi shtuchnyi holod v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv”, (London, England: DOBRUS, 1952).

Voropai, Oleksa, “V deviatim kruzi”, (London, England: Sum, 1953).

Voropai, Oleksa, ” The Ninth Circle: In Commemoration of the Victims of the Famine of 1933″, Olexa Woropay; edited with an introduction by James E. Mace, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, Ukrainian Studies Fund, 1983).



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